A Christmas note from Keane 24 December 2013

Dear friends,

It has been a wonderful year for Keane. Starting with what was possibly our most enjoyable US tour ever - punctuated by some truly unforgettable days off, skiing in Lake Tahoe and getting a private tour of NASA in Houston - and ending with a great few weeks of playing songs from The Best Of Keane and seeing Lily take Somewhere Only We Know to number one for several weeks. In between there was an amazing tour of South America, some gorgeous festivals in Europe, and some great times in the studio. We even had a chance to record with our original guitarist and old friend Dominic, to finally play at the Tunbridge Wells Forum, and to bring it all back home by playing a tiny gig in dear old Battle….to name but a few magical moments.

As always, everything we have done has been supported and encouraged by our incredible, generous, tireless fans wherever we have been in the world. We never stop appreciating what you do for us - the things you say after gigs, the letters you hand us as we arrive in new countries, the way you sing with us when we're playing our hearts out, and occasionally laugh along with us when we screw up…! The way you take our music into your hearts and your lives is truly the best thing about being in this band. We feel incredibly lucky.

Merry Christmas to you all, and here's wishing you a brilliant 2014!

Lots of love,

Tim, Tom, Richard and Jesse

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