It was a long drive last night, listening to a lot of 'The Infinite Monkey Cage' (recommended by Tom). I'm knackered, sitting in my kitchen listening to Florence and the Machine at Radio 1 - sounding great. Ceremonials is such a good record - listened to that on the way home last night, too.
It's really starting to feel like winter, and I've got a ton of photos and video to sort through... but in the meantime, here's what we've been up to: KEYBOARDS x 1,000,000 (and a bit of percussion, bass and singing). I think it's fair to say Tim has an epic keyboard collection, with the things piled up all over the studio control room, leaning up against every available space, on top of anything with a flat surface. The result is great sounding keyboard parts - whether that's strings, Farfisa, or just regular piano - this record SOUNDS great.
We're getting to a stage where we have been through most of the songs a hundred times, with only the newest couple needing fundamental work, restructuring or trying new sections. There are a couple that have more than one version, with us trying a couple of directions in parallel, just to see which way is going to work out best. It's a satisfying process, but as soon as you think you are getting somewhere you realise you still have miles to go. I'm not sure how we are going to narrow down an album from the 16 songs we are working on. Every time we start on another song I fall in love with it all over again. I guess it's a good problem to have.
Hope you are enjoying the video snippets and photos, because I'm about to edit a few more...
Lots of love,