Best ever year 23 December 2009

Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say thank you so much for all your love and amazing enthusiasm and support in 2009.

I think it's been our best year of touring ever - so many new places and new friends, and every tour has been fantastic fun.

It's been great to keep up the creative momentum too, and we've got loads of great memories of recording the Night Train EP on our travels - Berlin, Copenhagen, Washington DC, Brisbane and many others. I think we may well be the luckiest people on the planet!

One thing that has really stuck in my head this year - I already mentioned this in a blog I think - was a message from someone in South America saying thanks for making music that "protests against everything that harms our world". That's a huge compliment for us, but it strikes me that I also think that spirit is embodied by you guys, the fans who come to shows all over the world and are always so passionate and joyful, but also so courteous and considerate of other people. You are a positive force in the world and we couldn't ask for a better bunch of people to share our music with.

2010 is nearly upon us already, and it's nice to have some plans other than "write lots of songs and make a record" already laid. The EP will be fun, and it's great to know we already have some touring booked. And, of course, we can't wait to get into the studio and make new music together once again.

Anyway, thanks again and here's wishing you all a very Happy New Year!


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