I'm sitting in my hotel room on a wet lazy Sunday afternoon in Devon which seems like a good time to say a few words as we enter the last week of our UK & Ireland Arena Tour.
Despite adverse weather conditions throughout the tour the ever efficient KEANE machine continues to move from city to city without a hitch. Big shout out to our bus & truck drivers seems appropriate here!
Arena tours are particularly rewarding & fun to do as we get to hit the road with all the production bells & whistles. Every one of the 50+ touring crew work tirelessly to ensure the show is built in time for the boys' sound-check every gig and that deserves some major respect to Ant & his team!
There have been some great moments so far & I've tried to pick out a few -
- So many to choose from but my favourite song of the show has to be YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME ANYTHING - this is ONE bad-ass tune and is guaranteed to get your groove on!
- Up there too is SPIRALLING - awesome!!!!!
- Peter Kay up in the stands singing his heart out with hands in the air during A BAD DREAM in Manchester! Priceless!
- Tom showing his sensitive side in Sheffield dedicating EARLY WINTER to Beth on her birthday for all the sterling work she does in looking after the boys on a daily basis and well deserved too! Pretty sure I spotted a wee tear in her eye!
- Tom's reaction to the bogus phone interview schedule I e-mailed him yesterday (unfortunately words which I can't repeat on this blog in case my mom's reading!).....
- Not part of the UK Tour but we did a quick visit to Paris on a day off last week to record some songs for TARATATA TV one of which was a duet with Tom & Rapahel Saadiq on a Sly & The Family Stone song - simply spine tingling!
We're gearing up for a busy touring year ahead & next stop after this tour is Latin America, so bring it on! I'm going cross-eyed from filling out all the visa forms for everyone!
In the meantime enjoy the next few shows - it's pretty amazing & you get to see Tim cutting some new dance moves behind the keys!
Suffice to say thanks to everyone for supporting the shows and once again thanks to the KEANE team for making the show happen.
Peace oot.
p.s. thanks for all the stunning drawings you sent during the rehearsal blog - they now take pride of place on my fridge at home :-)